
The Integrity of an Individual Path

Preamble ramble part six

You have your own path and complete right to follow it and all the other reasoning on top, but at some point, everyone has to come together in order to let wrongs be bygones and reach the basics of an understanding altogether.

(This includes the others on the planet too)

Keep in mind, each and every entity is completely different, your logic is a result of your personal experiences and cultivation and so is theirs.

Believing another’s philosophy or doctrine blindly may be the easiest option, however your understanding of the reasoning behind the philosophy itself may be lacking fundamentals.

See, following another is normal.

Just as the moon follows the earth and so on and so on… We as entities, are not always destined to follow just one, but many over our brief little lifetimes. A centralised figure is a component of stability and as due; something to be regarded with respect is what they represent.

This isn’t just in faith or patriotism, it is the ones we regard as sempais, influencers, generals, supervisors, leaders, inspirations!

In other words, everyone is a potential candidate.

There may be a Master and a Master, but there are always two scholars!

From an unbiased view, not following your own logic will stunt your personal cultivation or growth, strive to understand another and build yourselves together. You can breach that barrier of ignorance between yours and another’s rationale to find enough harmony to build a better future.

This is our world.

It’s not just how we live, it is what we do.

Celebrating your cultivation.

Cultivating learning.

Learning you.

That is art.

Your art.

So, where to start? A real introduction perhaps; so let's discuss a little about philosophy before jumping straight into cultivation.

Philosophy, according to the culture of today, seems to be some sceptic dying art or a Ph.D. In truth, philosophy is the greater foundational understanding of a subject. It is the beginnings of sagacity and the easiest path to greater patterns. It is one with and a part of rhetoric, but also completely harmonious logic with others (verified or not, that is up to you), hence how and why this book has been developed in the first place, its becoming the sages of ourselves. May as well get the most out of ‘it’ right?

Philosophy is the acute deductive process of reasoning and adjusting previous experience recreating the deduction of thought; utilising the past and current capacities provided. The defining theory behind philosophy is simply wonder.

To digress, it is truly what a wander philosophy can be!

The philosophy of experience is related to the art of bonsai. Unchecked the tree will grow wild, but with a particular trajectory in mind, the tree will grow with the experience of the one shaping it.

So, what is cultivation? Why is it so important? What can cultivation do for me? When is it the ‘right time’?

A major component of life’s equation is of existence itself is to cultivate. ~ Experience shapes us, it contours, guides and defines the universe as we know it. Therefore, the ‘right time’ is insubstantial. Every moment in time is a component of not only your cultivation, but also the cultivation of everything else. Scary huh… Big world.

There is a logical reason why every single thing exists and why it exists as we perceive it. All that needs to be done is think about the influencing factors and find the patterns.

For example, Einstein’s theory of relativity; if light2 could go backwards, would that mean there are already currents and eddies within light itself?

If energy cannot be destroyed, could all that energy and matter that is sucked into black holes be transmuted into something else, redoxed down to be burned as a star at another vibration?

Newton’s third law defines this greater harmony with simple logic and Le Chatelier proved it with chemistry. Every action will result in an equal and opposing reaction to improve balance. Everything is a result of something or a whole bunch of other somethings.

It is true, we are fascinated with the individual parts of everything, but it is also true humans have this marvellous habit of getting side-tracked from the actual meaning attached to everything we discover in favour for the parts of the mechanism because so much time is spent on looking at the how as opposed to the why.

Everything is made up of energy, or at least, multiple variable frequencies of it. The denser the frequency, the more solid it is. Everything of that chain of balance within the environment.It’s possible every existence is binding (oxidising and reducing) all the way to the nearest black whole, where it can be compressed into being again. The chain can go on and on if you look for it like the rest of the people trodding that path. That’s what It is there for, it’s the void of what we have yet to understand.

As it is balanced and we are inside this chain, it is abyssal and chaotic as well.

Like the snail’s perspective of a car going past — they always seem to just go in a straight line… Does it matter for the snail?

Understanding comes from inside first, then it can be taken elsewhere.

The lessons we learn from our experiences, whether they are harrowing (negative) or blissful (positive), cultivates our existence. They define who we are. Our tastes. Our choices. Our ambitions. Our reasoning. Our feelings. Our actions. Our intuition. Our Dreams.

That is why we are who we are. All of these chains of experience are moulded into a creature, you. And you impact your world.

Before every single inert element or chemical substance becomes such, it was something else, broken down, or smashed together, refined from radioactive decay or reactions and does not become completely inert until it becomes truly balanced within its environment. For organic beings it is the circle if life, twisted into a continuous wire we like to call Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Life as is an acid!

Cultivation is the more immersed and precise process of titration; at which an entity becomes balanced within the surrounding environment. It is simply the process of natural adaption. The organic solution of every movement. An equation or story can explain how environmental influences catalyse individuals; explain why one makes more sense than the other

Infinity = -1/12 ~ Srinivasa Ramanujan Summation

